Quarter-life Crisis | Poem

In the limbo of thirty-something years,
A quarter-life crisis veils its fears.
Bound by dreams, yet lost in doubt,
Searching for purpose, a whisper, a shout?

What’s the meaning, in this fleeting phase,
Where paths diverge in tangled ways?
Questions echo, unanswered, unseen,
In the chaos of what might have been.

The clock ticks, a relentless beat,
Each moment a challenge, a bitter-sweet feat.
Yearnings clash with societal norms,
Amidst the storm, where passion forms.

Am I enough, or am I too little,
In this vast world, caught in the middle?
Struggling to define what’s truly mine,
In the labyrinth of life’s design.

Through the haze, a glimmer appears,
A spark of hope, dispelling fears.
Embrace the journey, the highs, the lows,
For in the struggle, true meaning grows.

Not in perfection, nor in fleeting bliss,
But in the quest, the courage to persist.
For meaning is found in the quest itself,
In forging ahead, in spite of doubt’s stealth.

So let the quarter-life crisis unfold,
A chapter of growth, a story untold.
Embrace the uncertainty, let it ignite,
The flame within, burning bright.


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